Our Story

I have known Christian Michael Jones since I was in the 3rd grade. I have had a "thing" for him ever since. He played little league football for my fathers team, and I was the cheerleader.
From my story page, you all know I moved around so much, so I never had the chance to become friends with him. Not at 3rd grade. When I moved back to GlenOak my junior year, Christian Jones had established quite a popularity level. He was CHRISTIAN JONES, the "God" of track and field. He was best of the best, not to mention very very attractive.
Every girl wanted him, or so it seemed like. I wasn't even going to try. Me? Christian and me? No no, it could never happen. So I went through a couple of relationships, as did he. My senior year was the year to be. On homecoming night, I always saw this guy looking at me every time I looked up. OMG it's Christian Jones. I HAD act on this. So the next day, I sent him a message saying, " I just thought I would let you know that you looked very good last night." I know cheesy right? I wasn't expecting anything back or a reply. 5 mins later he replied back, " I was thinking the same thing about you." I started jumping on my bed ( I know, 5 year old like right?) and yelling OMG CHRISTIAN JONES THINKS IM GOOD LOOKING OMG OMG. I was so estatic. We exchanged number and tand told him to text me. He didnt text for 3 hours.... I said to myself no, I am not letting this one get away. So I texted him first and he says he was about to text me. Whatever. I invited him over for a movie that night and he accepted the invitation. We didn't watch the movie because we were too busy talking and we had absolutely everything in common. I had those little butterflies the whole time. Before he left, he picked me up and kissed me. FIREWORKS!!!

From then on we couldn't put down the phone, texting 24/7 and 4 hour phone calls a night. The next day we were holding hands in the hall, and I finally had the boy that all the girls wanted. Lucky me. I was his number one fan cheering him on the sidelines at his track meets. After the track meets we spent time together, after school we spent time together, we spent so much time together, his parents and my grandparents had to put a limit on how much time we could spend. We followed the rules for about a week but no one could keep us apart. We went through our senior year together, graduated and had our graduation party together.
I'm not going to lie and say it's a picture perfect relationship, because it's not. We fight.... a lot. But we get through them. We started our first year of college of the University of Akron, where he spent his time running track, and I spent mine in a sorority. Alpha Phi. Later that year, Christian blew out his knees, and left the track team, and I joined the Army National Guard. Going into our second semester he joine the fraternity Lambda Chi Alpha.

Everything was going great, then May 23rd came around. This was the day I was being shipped to basic training at Ft Jackson in South Carolina. This meant no family, no life, no Christian. I was crushed for the first two weeks. From being with him every second, to not even talking for 10 weeks killed me. Letters wouldn't cut it, I just needed him. In the end, this made us become so much closer and I am so glad we conquered this obstacle. I gradutated on August 4th, of 2011 where I saw him for the first time in weeks. I cried, he cried, we cried together.
Finally in Ohio, getting into our regular routines. Christian and I were going into our second year of being together. October 19th came and went, and we celebrated. but 2 days prior later Christian proposed to me. While I was at a job interview Christian went to my current job, which is my family business. He decorated my office with streames, balloons, flowers, signs. I came back from my interview, and opened the door to my office and my mother was sitting there taking pictures. I was so confused. I read a poem on my desk;
I turned around and he was right there on one knee. OF COURSE I SAID YES! I was so happy. A couple weeks later I started feeling sick, all of the the time. I brushed it off. I woke up one morning Nov, 15 and I asked Christian if he would go out and get a pregnancy test......look what it said;
Yes! Positive, both scared and happy at the same time we couldn't believe it. We had to tell our parents, we were so scared. I went to the office to tell my mother, and I was bawling. Just crying and crying. I said, "Mom, I am so sorry, I am pregnant." She started laughing at me and said it was okay. I am almost 20 it's okay, and there I knew I had her support. Telling his parents was going to be different, so we thought. They actually took it very well, so we knew this baby is going to be a blessing. Now we are in our own little apartment just waiting the day until this miracle is in our lives.